Great Habits – Buckle Up!

Whether change is on the horizon or you are right in the middle of it, the one thing you can depend on is that change will happen.It is how we manage and cope with change that determines its success. So what can you do on a regular basis to give the change the best chance of success?

Your people are key to the success of change so these great habits are focused on you and your team. Looking at change from their perspective and ensuring they are engaged in the change will not only improve their job satisfaction but also improve the change chance of your change being a success.

Great Habit 1

Are you planning your approach to change in a thoughtful way to ensure you get maximum engagement from the people it affects?

If you have a plan in place for the change or you are looking to create one, make sure you include how you are going to engage all those that are impacted, whether that be your direct team, the wider business or your customers. You might want to have someone in the planning discussions specifically taking this view point or a line in the plan showing engagement actions.

Great Habit 2

Are you identifying where your team are with any change they have recently gone through? If you have been through change recently where are you on the change curve? What might you need to do to move forward?

Reflection is a key part of progression, looking at where you and your team are with change and how you have each progressed through that change will help you to support them and adapt your plan to make sure the next steps are meaningful and productive. Not all your team will be in the same place so it is important to individualise this.